Learn how to create a basic chart and table using Explore.
To create a Basic Chart and Table in One Model, click on Explore.
A Metric will need to be selected.
Metrics are grouped by Categories. Categories are designed by an Admin User who has access to create Metrics.
Metrics can also be grouped into Sub-Categories. To access the Sub-Categories underneath a specific Category, click the > next to the Category.
To access individual Metrics, click the > next to the Sub-Category.
All Metrics under the Sub-Category will show up.
To select a specific Metric, click the Metric name. A green bar will show identifying the Metric has been selected.
For my example, I'm selecting Headcount (EOP).
The Metric will also show as selected in Metrics under Selection in the main part of the screen.
Alternatively, Metrics can be found by using the search bar under the Run query button. As users type in the Metric they are looking for, a list of potential Metrics will appear under Metrics. The search bar is not case sensitive and will search all parts of the Metric name.
To select a Metric to use in the query, click on the Metric Name and it will display a green bar next to the Metric.
For this example, I've also selected and added Terminations (Total) to my query.
If the user has added a Metric to their query in Explore and the Time selection is defaulted in the Pivoted Dimensions, the user can click the Run query button to create a Basic Chart and Table display.
Note: For customers that have Calendar and Fiscal year time models, they may see Calendar or Fiscal instead of Timeperiods.
To change the Time selection to look at data by day, week, month or year, the User can click on “Timeperiods” in the Pivoted Dimensions selection.
The individual years will show as selections in the section along left hand side of the graphic, along with Time Models.
Similar to selections of Metrics, clicking on the > next to the year will open up to show quarters. Clicking on the > next to the quarter will open up to show the month.
Time Models can also be used instead of manually selecting specific Time. Time Models will update automatically as new data is added to the site. Time models are found below the specific Timeperiods.
For my example, I selected, the Time Model, This Year, which will equate to 2017 until 2018 data is added to the site. The Pivoted Dimensions update to show this selection.
The results for the query will not update until I click the Run query button.
Note: If there is more than one Time selection available, and the User wants to select an alternative Time, the User may need to close other screens to get back to the default view. Once there, the User needs to make sure the Time category is open.
To select a different Time, click on the Time name. This example shows the new time option Calendar – week has been selected.
To select a specific Time within the selection, the User can click on the Pivoted Dimension in the Selection screen (explained above) or the filter icon next to the Time selection.
Again, a list of available specific options and Time Models will be available for this Time Period. For my example, I have left my selection to This Week and clicked the Run query button.
To remove a Metric from the query, the user will click on the x next to the Metric name.
For my example query, I’m going to remove Terminations (Total) from my query.
For my example, I click run query and my results update as below.
To add a non-Time dimension to the query, the User may need to close out to get to the default screen where the Time and Metrics are located. The User may need to scroll down to access the Dimensions.
Dimensions will be categorized.
To access a specific Dimension, click the > next to the Category. For my example, we’ll look at the Age dimension which is found under the Biographic category.
To select the Dimension to include in the query, click the Dimension name. Click the Run query button to update the results.
Note: For non-multi-level dimensions, all results will display. For multi-level dimensions, the top level of nodes will display.
To select specific nodes of the Dimension to display in the query, the User can select the filter icon next to the Dimension name or select the Dimension name in the Selection panel next to Dimensions.
Selection of filters can allow for non-grouped or grouped numbers.
For my example, I have selected the individual ages at the second level. This selection is made by clicking on the nodes name. The example query will show these broken out.
Instead of selecting the individual ages broken out, I can also select the checkmark or the x.
The checkmark will include the selections and filter my results. If I only select the checkmark and not the node name, the displayed results will be the sum of my checkmarks. Checkmarks are inclusive filters.
For my example, I chose to include, sum the broken out age groups from above (25 to <30, 30 to <35 and 35 to <40).
The x will exclude the selections and filter my results. Xes are exclusive filters and show the summed results for those nodes that are not excluded.
For my example, I chose to exclude all age groups except for the summed above (25 to <30, 30 to <35 and 35 to <40) to show the different methods of producing the same results.
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