How to Embed Storyboards

Using Storyboards - Embedding

One Model can be embedded into third-party applications such as Sharepoint, Confluence, Tableau, Google Sites, Microsoft 365 Apps (e.g. PowerPoint), and more to give users greater control over how they access and use the One Model application, including the ability to complete their people data tasks within their own environments.

You can embed;

  • Individual Storyboards; or

  • The full One Model application.

There are 2-steps to successful embedding;

  1. Allow embedding in your Company settings, and

  2. Embed the Storyboard into your third-party application.

Note - Most One Model customers use Single-Sign On (SSO) to access their One Model instance. For the most seamless experience using embedding you should make sure that you configure “Log In Automatically” in the SAML 2 Integration panel in your Company settings so that embedded Storyboards automatically load for users. Learn how to configure your single sign on.

1. How-to allow embedding

Admins and users with permission can access the Embedding Options;

  1. Go to the Admin tab in the Main Navigation bar.

  2. Click on Company.

  3. Scroll down to Embedding Options.

  4. Click Edit.


5. Select your Embedding Options:

Allow Embedding

Enables authorized users to embed.

Allow Full Application Embedding

Enables users to embed a Storyboard AND the Main Navigation bar.

The One Model navigation bar is fully functional within a third-party site.

Allow External Log Off

Security feature that ensures when users log off their third-party site, that they are automatically logged off One Model at the same time.


*If your Organization or Company uses single-sign on (SSO) then you will need to configure your SSO settings in the SAML2 integration panel under Admin>Company

Allowed Domains*

Listing allowed domains restricts embedding to those specifically listed sites.


If left empty, embedding is permitted to ANY third-party site.

6. Click Save or Cancel

* Allowed Domain Guidelines

2. How-to embed links

2.1 Embedding with the Storyboard link (URL)

After allowing embedding, the next step is copy and paste the Storyboard URL into your third-party application. The user needs to have the permission 'Storyboard Administrator' in order to see the embed link. 

To do this, you need to;

  1. Go to Storyboards and open the Storyboard Library.

  2. Select the Storyboard to embed.

  3. Click on the three dots at the top right of the Main Navigation bar to open the Settings tab.


4. On the Settings tab, select Embed.

5. Click Copy Link.


6. Open your third-party application and follow their instructions to embed the URL link into their system. See below an example of embedding a Storyboard into a Google site:

Remember: that your Allow Embedding settings control whether it is just the Storyboard that is embedded on its own or with the main navigation bar.

2.2 Embedding with html code

Storyboards can also be embedded into an iFrame by inserting the Storyboard URL into html code and pasting that code into your third-party application.

  • The basic html syntax to do this is:

<iframe src="url" title="description"></iframe>

  • Breaking down the html code;

SRC= where you need to insert the Storyboard URL

Style= refers to the width and height of the iFrame

Title= refers to the text that you want a screen reader to read.

  • For example, the complete syntax would appear something like this:



<iframe src="https://YourStoryboardURL" style=”width:1000px; height:500px" title="description"></iframe>



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