How to Add a File Data Source

There are a few different ways to connect your data to One Model, and one of the most common methods is to add a file such as Delimited, Excel, Json and XML files as a data source. 

Connect your file data source by following these steps:

  1. In your One Model instance, go to the Data tab in the main navigation menu, then scroll down to Sources to open the Data Sources page. 

  2. To add a new File Data Source, click Add Data Source at the top right of the page then scroll down to File


  1. The Configuring a File Source pop up will appear where you will have options to complete:
    1. Name - specify the name of this data source.
    2. Data Loads Should Process Data - whether receiving data for this Data Source should cause the Processing Script to run and update on-site Metrics and Dimensions
    3. Expire Data Load if files missing after (minutes) - the data load will expire this many minutes after the last file was received if not all expected files for the source have been included. 
    4. Batching Configuration - Use Batching - batches data together to improve the performance of loading a large number of files into a single table


  1. Click Add to complete your configuration and add your new file data source.

  2. Your list of Data Sources can be viewed under Data > Sources


  1. To make changes to your data sources, use the buttons to: 
    1. Upload data files
    2. Add/Configure SFTP Users
    3. Schedule when files are expected (this can be used to configure Alerts)
    4. Configure
    5. Add Expected File Input
    6. Delete Data Source


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