Release Notes - 2023.05.03

Welcome to the latest One Model product release update. This article provides an overview of the product innovations and improvements to be delivered on 5 May 2023.

Platform Improvements

Admin Reports

  • In homage to a great Australian band Regurgitator, who penned the classic song “I Like Your Old Stuff Better Than Your New Stuff, we have re-released the previous version of one of our admin reports that was updated as part of the recently launched Admin Reports page.

  • This report is titled: “Users and Roles (delimited format)”. This report includes “all users with their login settings and their assigned Application and Data Access Roles”. (ref 15758)

  • Some customers were using the format of the old report for integration or data modeling use cases where having all of the role details in one column was better for data ingestion.

  • We have also removed the link to the “Users and Roles” report from the User management page to consolidate all of the reports into the Admin Reports page under the Admin menu. (ref 13906)

  • For more information on the Admin Reports check out the help guide.

One AI

Download Machine Learning Metadata

  • One AI’s machine learning pipeline is a series of processes that perform data cleaning and preparation, algorithm selection, and parameter optimization that ultimately produce a predictive model and predictions. This is to say that when you execute a run, a lot happens behind the scenes. In keeping with One AI’s philosophy that transparency in AI is the best policy, we are making the metadata for machine learning runs available for download. This file contains parameters, results, and performance measures for each of the various algorithm and configuration combinations that the pipeline attempts. It is formatted as a comma delimited text file. The file can be found by following these steps:

    1. Run a machine learning augmentation

    2. Once complete, select Runs for that augmentation

    3. Select the pending run

    4. Navigate to the Results Summary tab

    5. From the Download menu in the footer, select Grid Search Metadata


Commute Time Data Augmentation Improvements

  • With companies exploring having their employees return to the office, knowing how long their commutes are has become increasingly important as of late. With this in mind, we have made several improvements to the Commute Time data augmentation.

    • In the past the Commute Time augmentation was an optional feature enabled on a per user basis. That flag has been removed and anyone with One AI access will now have Commute Time as an option in the Augmentation Type dropdown.

    • The help article for the Commute Time augmentation has been improved and now includes configuration information as well as technical notes explaining the data retrieved. The article can be found here:

    • Some bugs in the results deployment process have been addressed.

Minor One AI improvements

A change was made to Recipes that prevents required columns from being removable from the data frames. Required columns are the unique identifier selection and the prediction column if a column is used instead of a metric. For example, if one.employee.person_id is selected as the Unique Identifier in the What Headcount do you wish to make predictions for? question, the option to exclude it will be disabled in the Which core attributes do you want to use in your prediction? question.

Data Processing Improvements

  • We improved the support for Incremental Updates in the SuccessFactors connector. Previously, when a new record was added at the end of the timeline for a user or object, both the new record and the record that was previously at the end of the timeline would have an end date of 9999-12-31. We've now updated this so that the record previously at the end of the timeline would get the new end date from SuccessFactors. (ref 15679)

Minor Improvements & Bugs Squashed

  • Small fix to ensure that the default Admin role has the CanChangeHomePageFilterSet permission turned on. This was being reset to a default status of “off” each time we released a product update. (ref 15893).

  • Fixed a bug that some users found when adding a drill through column (via the DrillThroughColumns admin page) where the resulting table label showed the word "one" as a suffix. Now, the table label correctly displays “one” as a prefix. (ref 15573).

  • We fixed an issue where a user might be unable to add/edit a dimension filter for a metric in some specific situations. This was patched to the production environment on April 17, 2023. (ref 15681)





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