Welcome to the latest One Model product release update. This article provides an overview of the product innovations and improvements to be delivered on 7 December 2022.
User Experience Improvements
We improved the color handling for radio buttons and checkboxes, most notably used for sharing Storyboards and in a few other places. If your company branding uses a very light branding color, it could make the checkboxes and radio buttons hard to read. To address this we have added a new option into the branding settings specifically for these components, it is under the Standard Button section called “Radio Button/ Checkbox Selected Indication”. (ref 12260)
Data Processing Improvements
Improved the error message for files in the case where a column in the file is longer than the configuration allows. This was previously reporting the wrong value for the actual length of the column. (ref 12498)
Fixed an issue where enabling the "Remove any tables from this data source that no longer receive data" would not be saved in an existing schedule. This applies to API Data Source Schedules. (ref 14377)
We fixed an issue where the Greenhouse Connector might error when a release went out, and leave the API Run in a broken state. Software Releases should no longer cause these API Runs to error. (ref 13899)
We are adding support for customers who host their own Redshift to be able to connect to that redshift over a VPC (instead of over the internet), and using IAM rules instead of Redshift Credentials. This is currently in Beta release, but please reach out to your Customer Operations representative if you would like to consider this approach for connecting to your Redshift Cluster in the future. (ref 13462)
Minor Improvements & Bugs Squashed
We fixed an issue with our new change indicator that was part of the previous product release. If you had missing values in the columns being compared the change indicator triggered an error message. (ref 14403)
We added some improved error handling for the creation of Deep Links in One Model. If a reference to another column was incorrectly entered the tables using these links would error. We have added a validation and error message to the Table & Column Label Editor screen if an invalid deep link is created. (ref 12261)
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