Release Notes - 2020.06.24

Welcome to the 2020.06.24 product release. This article provides an overview of the product innovations and improvements delivered on 24 June 2020.

User Experience

Increased grid density when designing Storyboards

  • In this release we have introduced an option to give Storyboard Designers greater flexibility in the layout of tiles within a Storyboard. In particular, we have increased the horizontal alignment sensitivity by a factor of 4. This means you can move tiles along the horizontal axis of the Storyboard with more precise positioning. (ref 4671)

  • You can enable this new capability in the Company Admin page per the screenshot below. This new feature is only available for customers that have enabled the new User Experience for the entire company.

  • As well as the increased sensitivity on the horizontal axis, we have slightly changed the vertical row height. This shouldn’t have much practical impact, except that you can now reduce the minimum size of a text tile to one line of text (most relevant if you also leverage the previously released feature to hide the text tile header). (ref 4863)

Storyboard editing controls

  • We have introduced a new tile level user interaction for Storyboard Designers in this release. Previously we used the action menu at the top right of the tile for tile level settings, but we have now changed this to a hover menu (see screenshot below). This is a prelude to some exciting new features coming in the near future where we will be adding additional formatting and design capability to charts etc. directly within the Storyboard, without the need to go back to Explore. (ref 5092)

Performance & Platform Improvements

Improvements to Data Pipeline Processing

  • Made a change to Processing Script Data Destinations so that they ignore Data Source objects that have been deleted. This will ensure the rest of the Data Destination still runs, rather than completely failing even if only one table is missing. (ref 4765)

One Ai Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug causing the augmentation forecaster's results summary charts to break with a large forecast. (ref 707)

  • Fixed bug causing training frames to periodically get out of order. (ref 881)

  • Fixed a bug that caused One AI to crash periodically when label encoding values in the predict frame. (ref 874)

Minor Improvements and Bugs Fixed

  • We have been really busy smashing bugs to do with how charts are displayed in Storyboards, particularly issues with the display of labels on the x and y axis being cut off, overlapping, not wrapping, problems with rotation etc. Big improvements in this release, but please let us know if there are more examples of issues for us to fix. (ref 3483, 4279, 4836, 5150, 4978)

  • We improved some formatting and layout issues with the free text widget in this release. Notably, the font style, line spacing among other tweaks. (ref 5168, 4938, 5164, 5106)

  • Semi-circle donut charts weren’t properly aligned vertically, so we applied a little pressure and got them to sit where they should. (ref 4743)


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