Why are the core attributes not generating in the machine learning model recipe?


When I am trying to build a machine learning model with a One AI Recipe, the Core Attributes will not load. It remains stuck in “Generating” once I have completed the previous steps of the model build, causing a server error or the site to time out. What can I do?


Sometimes, One AI Recipes will fail to display core attributes and will display an error at the top of the screen several minutes after completing the first few steps in the recipe. The reason this happens is that One AI performs a data duplication check before rendering core attributes. It does this because One AI machine learning requires a unique Dataset ID per row in order to work. When there are major data integrity issues in the data model, the check fails to complete due to the load the query places on the database.

Below are the most common solutions to correct this error. This information can be found by navigating in the main ribbon menu to Admin > Site Validation > Data Warehouse Relationships. You may need to connect with your One Model admin if you do not have access to view this page.

  • Check for a join from 'one.employee' or 'one.prd_employee' to 'one.usage_statistics_event'. If this join is present, it should be removed as this join no longer serves a purpose.
  • Check for an error including "references a column that does not exist" on any table that is in the population metric table, or any table joined to the population metric table (most commonly 'one.employee', 'one.prd_employee', one.employee_event’, or (one.evt_employee’). If any exist, submit a ticket to have the Data Engineer correct it. 
  • Check for an error including "causes duplication of records…" on any table that is in the population metric, or any table joined to the population metric table (most commonly 'one.employee', 'one.prd_employee', one.employee_event’, or (one.evt_employee’). If any exist, submit a ticket to have the Data Engineer correct it.

If you are still experiencing this issue after correcting the above, submit a detailed troubleshooting ticket explaining the problem you are having and what actions have been taken to try to correct this problem. Then, the One AI team will work to diagnose the problem. 

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