Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

Description: Join Josh to explore how One AI machine learning is an AutoML pipeline that automates the process for building models. Learn how this simplifies model creation in One Model but is optional if you prefer to manual configuration.

Module Type: Foundational foundation sym.png & Functional function sym.png

Level: Beginner I-PaperPlane.svg 

Audience: All

Prerequisites: "What is One AI?" module 

Run time: ~8 minutes

Module Sections:

00:00 - Intro, Topics Covered, & Learning Outcomes

01:13 - AutoML Overview

01:51 - AutoML Importance & Goals

03:26 - How AutoML Works

04:18 - One AI as an AutoML System

06:04 - AutoML as Optional in One AI

06:58 - Conclusion & Thanks


The module transcription is attached below as a pdf.

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