Release Notes - 2024.04.03

Welcome to the latest One Model product release update. This article provides an overview of the product innovations and improvements to be delivered on 3rd April 2024.  

Data Processing Improvements

  • We are excited to announce the beta release of the Qualtrics API. Now you can automate the passing of information out of Qualtrics into your One Model instance using this API. Read how to use the connector in our Beta - Qualtrics API Guide.  (ref 18845)

User Experience Improvements

Table Totals in Storyboards

  • We're thrilled to unveil the beta release of Table Totals in Storyboards! Table Totals can be toggled on in Tile Settings to instantly visualize aggregate totals or subtotals within your Storyboard Lists. Experience enhanced efficacy in your analysis journey and make informed decisions at a glance. Explore the capabilities of Table Totals in our comprehensive Beta - Table Totals Guide (ref 14985, 17467).

Define Panel in Storyboards

  • You may have noticed a few changes in Modify Mode in Storyboards with the new Build Storyboard menu leading into the beta Define Panel that we recently released with Sankey Diagrams. The good news is that we have added the Pie Chart visualization. Now you can leverage Basic Charts, Lists, Key Values, Sankey Diagrams, Free Text Tiles, as well as Pie Charts.  We're on track to bring all of the visualizations that you know and love in Explore across to the Define Panel in Storyboards. Learn more in our Define (Explore in Storyboards) Guide (ref 18135) 

Permission Changes

  • We have added a new permission CanEditDataAccessRoleUsers which controls the ability to assign or unassign users to Data Access Roles. This permission will be required on the page Admin > Data Access Roles as well as Users > Roles. Read our Roles and Permissions Guide for the full list of permissions and their prerequisites.
    Update: This permission (CanEditDataAccessRoleUsers) was automatically included in all roles that had CanEditDataAccessRoles before as this was previously part of the functionality of CanEditDataAccessRoles. 
  • When a user does not have the appropriate Application Access Permissions, we have updated the error message to say "You have insufficient permissions to see this page. Please contact your administrator." (ref 17934)

Minor Improvements & Bugs Squashed

  • We've optimized the Cache Warming functionality so that any queries that are defined in the Cached Storyboards page will only run once even if those same queries are automatically selected for warming because they've been viewed by a user. (ref 19323)
  • We fixed an issue where redirection from Login resulted in unintended redirects to external URLs. We now ensure redirects are limited to internal relative URLs, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized access. (ref 19388)

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