Data Exploration

Description: Join Austin to examine data exploration, a critical step in the machine learning process. Learn to analyze and understand the structure, patterns, and relationships within a model dataset before building models, ensuring the data is suitable for use. 

Module Type: Foundational foundation sym.png

Level: Beginner I-PaperPlane.svg 

Audience: All

Prerequisites: "Introduction to Machine Learning" & "Supervised Learning" module

Run time: ~12 minutes

Module Sections:

00:00 - Intro, Topics Covered, & Learning Outcomes

01:15 - Intro to Data Exploration

04:07 - Data Statistics

  • 04:54 - Data Statistics: Descriptive Stats
  • 06:20 - Data Statistics: Distribution Analysis
  • 07:02 - Data Statistics: Measures of Dispersion
  • 07:53 - Data Statistics: Correlation Analysis

08:14 - Visual Exploration

09:36 - Data Quality Checks

11:15 - Conclusion & Thanks


The module transcription is attached below as a pdf.

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