Generative Attributes

Description: Join Hayley to learn how to use your preexisting data to create new generative attributes through some form of transformation, combination, or aggregation. These new features provide the  model with additional, more meaningful information that might not be explicitly captured by the original features. This often results in stronger performance and richer insights. 

Module Type: Functional function sym.png

Level: Intermediate I-Plane.svg

Audience: Model creators & managers

Prerequisites: "One AI Recipes" module. "Feature Engineering"& "One AI Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Report" modules are recommended, but not required.

Run time: ~20 minutes (including the optional Section 6 - Step-by-Step Generative Attribute Building Examples)

Module Sections:

00:00 - Intro, Topics Covered, & Learning Outcomes

01:43 - Generative Attributes Overview

03:35 - Types of Generative Attributes

07:04 - Creating & Managing Generative Attributes

08:59 - Components to Build a Generative Attribute

14:17 - Step-by-Step Generative Attribute Building Examples

17:50 - Validating Generative Attributes in One AI

19:38 - Conclusion & Thanks


The module transcription is attached below as a pdf.

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