Welcome to the first One Model product release for 2022! This article provides an overview of the product innovations and improvements to be delivered on 19 January 2022. You can see the full 2022 release schedule here: https://help.onemodel.co/en/articles/3134972-one-model-product-release-calendar.
User Experience Enhancements
Enhanced Formatting for Pie/Donut Chart Data Labels
In the previous release we provided a new feature that lets a Storyboard designer configure the format of data labels for stacked charts to display both values and percentages. Pie/Donut charts already had the ability to show values and percentages and in this release we have retrofitted the new formatting options to pie/donut charts. (ref 495)
More Information in the Users and Roles Export
We added some more information to the Users and Roles Export feature. As a reminder, you are able to export a .csv file with details of all users in the One Model application and some basic information around roles. We have enhanced this export to now include the following additional pieces of information for each user:
Whether they are setup to login via SSO or not
Whether they are able to login using a username and password or not
If their roles are to be automatically assigned when they log into One Model
If relevant, whether they have a Company Role assigned as part of automated role assignment (the Company Role can be thought of as a user persona that is mapped to One Model roles
Last login date
Deactivated date (for inactive users)
If you would like to see more information about automated role assignment refer to these two guides:
Improved Messaging When Deleting Metrics Already In Use
In the "Edit Metrics" screen if you delete a metric that is being used on a Storyboard you receive a warning message that the metric is in use. Sometimes it can be hard to track down and modify Storyboards if you want to remove the metrics, especially if they are in a user's Unshared folder. In this release we have added the Storyboard owner information to help with this. We have also now included Metrics that are being used on the Home Page in these warning messages as they were previously not included. (ref 8935)
Improvements to Data Pipeline Processing
We've added the timestamp parameter in the File Name configuration for Data Destinations that come from Processing Scripts. This will change the configured file name from filename.csv to filename{datestamp_parameter}.csv. This Timestamp parameter can therefore be removed, or modified if desired.. (ref 2667)
Minor Improvements & Bugs Squashed
Sometimes long headers (particularly detailed columns) wouldn't display nicely in the new table on Storyboards and in the drill-through tables, we have added some improved wrapping and sizing to improve this. (ref 157)
We improved the display of large numbers in the pagination selection menus in the new table within Storyboards. (ref 10211)
We trawled through our code and removed some outdated and less inclusive terms like "Whitelist" from the platform and UI. The most notable place you will see a change is on the Company Admin screen where you define IP Address Restrictions, this section is now called "Allowed IPs". (ref 10363)
In the file based user upload screen you have the ability to download a .csv file with details of the user validation or processing for a given file upload. However, when opening a .csv for a historical file upload only the newest uploaded file results would be displayed. This has been corrected and will now work correctly for all newly uploaded files. (ref 10178)
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